Tuesday 21 October 2014

Seen and heard: September 2014

Operation Stonehenge: What Lies Beneath - BBC TV two-part documentary. I wasn't aware there was much more still to learn about Stonehenge, after we realised it hadn't been built by people from space, but during the last decade imaging surveys have revealed that in its heyday Stonehenge was just the biggest of a vast number of shrines and structures. Also, its function and significance seems to have changed over the centuries it was in use. The TV programmes were also notable for illuminating use of augmented reality, so that you would see a presenter walking around a modern site, or a plane flying across the landscape, with ghostly superimpositions of the structures which had once stood there. Brilliant.

Scott and Bailey - Series 4. I was originally rather snooty about Scott and Bailey, thinking that this was basically Cagney and Lacey in Manchester. Then I realised that that's not a bad thing. Anyway, it's great to have a brilliantly-scripted women-centred cop show on the box. I especially like the soft-but-steely interrogation dialogues; things like: "Do you know this man?" "Never seen him before in my life." "What would your response be if I were to tell you that we have records of calls to and from this man on your mobile phone, statements from witnesses who say that they've seen you together, and DNA from this man in your flat?" Classic.

Passadena Roof Orchestra – at The Stables. We’ve seen them several times now, so we know most of the tunes and all of the jokes, but still they never fail to lift the spirits. Interesting up-tempo version of some blues numbers, including Ol’ Man River which didn’t really work because of the serious nature of the words and the recent experience of hearing Roderick Williams sing it beautifully at the Last Night of the Proms.

Strictly Come Dancing, new series – Saturday evenings are now organised around this and the new series of Dr Who. These days we recognize hardly any of the so-called celebrities, but the formula doesn’t rely on that: you form new attachments as you hear them talk and watch them dance, or try to.

Cuttings: September 2014

Why Twitter beats Facebook for breaking news – article by John Naughton in The Observer. ”The discrepancies between the way the two services [Facebook and Twitter] handled the Brown killing [in Ferguson, Missouri] illustrate the ways in which social networks can highlight or downplay news stories or events. The idea that these technologies provide tabulae rasae on which events inscribe themselves is bunkum. And there's no smoking gun here, just a smoking algorithm. What you see on Twitter is determined by who you follow. In contrast, what you see in your Facebook newsfeed is 'curated' by the company's algorithms, which try to guess what will interest you (and induce you to buy something, perhaps). Having a frank discussion about the racism that disfigures America might not fit that bill. Which is why Facebook is for ice-bucket memes and Twitter is for what's actually going on."

Money talks - but we don't understand it (print edition title) - Review of John Lanchester How to Speak Money, by Larry Elliott in The Guardian. "The important question thrown up by the crisis, Lanchester says, is 'whether a society should arrange itself primarily for the convenience of its richest citizens and its richest, most powerful economic sector, irrespective of the consequences of that for everyone else'. He notes that a robber baron's castle can be full of sumptuous art, lavish food and drink and wonderful music but can only shine brightly because it destroys the landscape in which it sits. 'The City of London,' he writes, 'is a robber baron's castle.' Lanchester thinks the robber barons get away with it because of the big gap that exists between the people who understand money and the rest. And the reason there is a big gap, he says, is that the money folk speak their own esoteric language that sets them apart. That explains why economics feels so alienating to outsiders."

Why our faith in cramming is mistaken – article in MindHacks blog. "Cramming doesn’t work. Unfortunately, many of us ignore this rule.... Studies of memory suggest that we have a worrying tendency to rely on our familiarity with study items to guide our judgements of whether we know them. The problem is that familiarity is bad at predicting whether we can recall something....After six hours of looking at study material (and three cups of coffee and five chocolate bars) it’s easy to think we have it committed to memory. Every page, every important fact, evokes a comforting feeling of familiarity. The cramming has left a lingering glow of activity in our sensory and memory systems, a glow that allows our brain to swiftly tag our study notes as 'something that I’ve seen before'. But being able to recognise something isn’t the same as being able to recall it.... We need to be reminded of the benefits of spaced learning because it runs counter to our instinct to relying on a comforting feeling of familiarity when deciding how to study."

Gifts in the desert: the psychology of Burning Man – article in Headquarters column in The Guardian. "One of the most unique features of Burning Man, relative to other large festivals, is its economy. Nothing is for sale, with the exception of ice and coffee. Everything else is given freely as gifts.... Subtracting money from social interactions could be a key contributor to the spirit of generosity that permeates the atmosphere. An influential set of studies showed that even just thinking about money makes people less likely to help others and less interested in spending time with others.... So what exactly is it about money that dampens our taste for generosity? One possibility is that when we participate in financial transactions, we follow different social rules than when we share our resources communally....people will sometimes paradoxically expend more effort for no payment at all (in a social market) than for a small payment (in a monetary market)....The culture of generosity that defines Burning Man doesn’t simply appear out of thin air. Participants are urged to follow the Ten Principles, a code of conduct that includes gifting, communal effort, and civic responsibility....Countless studies have shown that humans are not blind altruists, cooperating regardless of what others do, but rather are conditional cooperators: we prefer to cooperate only when we are reasonably certain that others will too. So telling people that their peers are cooperating is one of the best ways to get people to cooperate themselves....the social structure of Burning Man, where everyone must work together to stay safe in the harsh desert and ‘leave no trace’ environmentally, and where people are organized into small camps, provides the optimal conditions for generalized reciprocity to take hold."